What to expect when you come to a Mass this weekend
Before heading to Church:
When you arrive at church:
Mass will be different so what will it be like?
After Mass:
Per Archdiocesan and CDC guidance, I ask that you not congregate in the church or in the parking lot after Mass/Rosary. I understand the desire for fellowship, but we need to make sure we keep our parish family heathy and safe.
Dcn. Tim Maloney
Parochial Administrator
- Please make sure you do not have a fever or feel sick prior to coming to church.
- Please use the restroom at home before coming to church as to limit the amount of people using the restroom at STA.
- Don’t forget to bring a mask. Those attending church must wear a facial covering, except for children under the age of 2 years.
- We encourage you to download the myParish app and/or bring a Magnificat to follow along, if preferred. There will not be hymnals or worship aids in the pews, to limit contact between attendees.
When you arrive at church:
- We ask that before you get out of your vehicle or when you walk on to the church property that you put your face mask on.
- Masks are mandatory for all entering the church during this time to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.
- Please enter the church via the main doors (Hickory Ave) or the door off the parking lot. The doors will be propped open for your convenience. When you enter, please make use of the hand sanitizer that is just inside the door.
- You may sit in any of the open pews. Each of the open pews have been marked off in three-foot sections with blue tape. You will be able to sit with others in your household, but no one from separate households will be permitted to sit in your pew. Please be kind and listen to the ushers. Please make sure there are two open sections (6 feet) between you/your family and those next to you. Please be kind and listen to the ushers.
Mass will be different so what will it be like?
- There will no processions (Opening, Offertory/Presentation of the Gifts or Closing).
- There will be baskets around the church for you to place your offering.
- There will be no congregational singing, as singing expels more particles and causes a higher risk of spread of coronavirus.
- There will be no sign of peace.
- Communion will only be under one form (no cup) and we encourage every one to receive communion in their hand.
- For the distribution of communion please come forward via the SIDE ASILES, maintaining social distancing (blue marks are on the floor as a gentle reminder) and return via the CENTER AISLE.
- The minister will keep his mask on the entire time. The faithful must also wear a facial covering when coming forward to receive Communion. The faithful will lower the covering just prior to reception of the Eucharist. Holy Communion may not be distributed with gloves, nor may it be received in the hand if a member of the faithful is wearing gloves.
- If the minister feels that they have touched another person, the protocol is for the minister to put down the ciborium, use hand sanitizer (which will be on a table next to the minister) wait 30 seconds, then continue.
After Mass:
- The Ministers will process straight to the Sacristy. There will be no greeting of parishioners.
- The Ushers will prop open all the doors so everyone can exit without touching the door.
- After the final blessing, please feel free to remain and pray the rosary.
- Once you are in your car or not near other people (outside your household) if walking home you may remove your mask.
Per Archdiocesan and CDC guidance, I ask that you not congregate in the church or in the parking lot after Mass/Rosary. I understand the desire for fellowship, but we need to make sure we keep our parish family heathy and safe.
Dcn. Tim Maloney
Parochial Administrator