Liturgical Ministries
Our Liturgical Ministries include Lectors (Mrs. Genie Schwind), Eucharistic Ministers (Mr. Walt Taylor), Altar Servers (Dcn. Tim), Ushers/Greeters (Ms. Chris Barrasso) Choir and Cantors (Mrs. Christina or Ms. Melissa). Please call or email the Parish Office if you are interested in serving in any of the Litugical Ministries.
Social Outreach
Health Ministry (Mrs. Sharon Ackerman) provides free monthly blood pressure screenings, annual flu shots, and literature and resources for healthcare in the Baltimore metro area.
Angel Food (Mrs. Loni Reynolds) provides meals for those who are temporarily homebound or on bedrest due to illness or injury.
Food Pantry provides for distribution of hygiene and non-perishable food items to those most in need in the Hampden community.
Respect Life Committee (Mrs. Marty Taylor) meets monthly to plan activities and educational opportunities that support respect for life issues and organizations in the Baltimore metro area.
Angel Food (Mrs. Loni Reynolds) provides meals for those who are temporarily homebound or on bedrest due to illness or injury.
Food Pantry provides for distribution of hygiene and non-perishable food items to those most in need in the Hampden community.
Respect Life Committee (Mrs. Marty Taylor) meets monthly to plan activities and educational opportunities that support respect for life issues and organizations in the Baltimore metro area.
Parish Volunteers
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is in full compliance with the Archdiocese of Baltimore's STAND for the Protection of Children & Youth program. All volunteers 18 and older must participate in the online training program, and secure a Certificate of Completion. Volunteers with "substantial contact" with children and youth must also undergo an electronic criminal background check and provide three (3) references. Volunteers ages 14-17 are required to undergo an alternate training and application process (contact the parish office). Those 18 and older click on the link below to log-in and take the training course. If you have any questions, or need more information, please call or email the parish office.